Frequently Asked Questions
Are you against the American model of Church?
Is your model of Church the only right model?
No, we believe there are 1000 ways to do church but only one way to disciple people—The way Jesus did it. Each microchurch will be different from the next one based upon the needs, opportunity, and the abilities in the group. Church should be structured naturally around friendships not institutional forms. When we restrict church to the same form, then we exclude people that have a genuine interest in pursuing God.
Do you still value gathering for worship and teaching of the Word of God?
Yes, we highly valuing gathering for worship and hearing God’s voice through the teaching of his Word. The difference is that we do not build all of our time, money, and resources around a Sunday morning program and invite the world to watch. Since the microchurch is the expression of church best suited for Jesus followers to live on mission and to experience spiritual growth together, we use the centralized Sunday gatherings to serve our missionaries. After a week of serving the mission in ways that challenge new levels of obedience and perseverance, we want to provide “REST” for them:
Real Worship
Encouragement to Persevere
Shared Story
Teaching in discipleship and ministry
Will there be accountability for leadership and finances?
We believe in high accountability and low control at every level. Our microchurch leaders have a very high level of accountability regarding their lifestyle, walk with the Lord, and the leadership of their group. However, they have more freedom on how they carry out the functions of worship, community, and mission.
Additionally, we are accountable financially to “Planting Churches Ministries” who handle all the finances, bookkeeping, and receipting. All donations are tax deductible.
What about Children’s ministry?
The hub (The centralized gathering) seeks to supplement the needs of the microchurches. We will use the Sunday gathering time to influence and teach children as well as other times to support parents and microchurches in their training of children.
The Mission
Multiplying missional communities that change
their world by being changed themselves